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Netgrif Components library

License npm peer dependency version (scoped) npm (scoped) npm Petriflow 1.0.1 GitHub release (latest SemVer) build Quality Gate Status Coverage Known Vulnerabilities

Netgrif Components library is an Angular library with set of web components that are default implementation of the components core library abstract components classes. It is ready to use for creating SPA applications for NAE environment.

The library consists of Angular web components implementing abstract component classes from @netgrif/components-core library with html and scss files. Components' design is based on Material design by Google. The library uses services and other utility classes from the core library.


The Library is implemented as an Angular libraries. With Angular dependencies there are several others to complement functionality and range of components available for NAE based applications. The components library is based upon Angular Material components to make it easier to derived and implement own set of components but still keep the functionality and compatibility with Application Engine.

The library has defined peer dependencies that are not installed automatically with npm. You can install dependencies with this command:

npm i -S @angular-material-components/datetime-picker@4 @angular-material-components/moment-adapter@4 @angular/animations@10 @angular/cdk@10 @angular/common@10 @angular/compiler@10 @angular/core@10 @angular/flex-layout@10 @angular/forms@10 @angular/material@10 @angular/material-moment-adapter@10 @angular/platform-browser@10 @angular/platform-browser-dynamic@10 @angular/router@10 @covalent/core@3 @covalent/highlight@3 @covalent/markdown@3 @covalent/text-editor@3 @ngx-translate/core@13 @ngx-translate/http-loader@6 @schematics/angular@10 angular-resizable-element@3 angular-resize-event@2 angular2-hotkeys@2 hammerjs@2 json-schema-to-typescript@8 jszip@3 moment@2 natural-orderby@2 rxjs@6 zone.js@0.10


To install the library please use following command:

npm i -S @netgrif/components

After successful installation you can use all components available in library and functionality of the core library.

Usage and configuration

To start building your NAE web application, it must be configured as Angular application and as NAE application as well.

Firstly, create new Angular project. We recommend following official guide.

If you want to create own library of components for NAE applications, please see the library @netgrif/components-core.


To configure NAE application more easily the libraries use file nae.json that is placed in root of the project. nae.json defines global application configuration like urls to backend resources, services' configurations, routing and views.

You can find minimal nae.json configuration here.

For easier startup clone template project for NAE frontend application

Other projects

Application Engine

Netgrif Application Engine is workflow management system powered by low-code language Petriflow written in Java. Application Engine can run as a standalone java application, as a docker image, or you can embed it to your Java/Spring Boot project.

Application Builder

For creating processes in Petriflow language try our free Application Builder on https://builder.netgrif.com. You can start from scratch or import existing process in BPMN 2.0 and builder automatically converts it into Petriflow.

NCLI (Coming soon)

If you need help with setting up project or looking for tool to automate your developer work with NAE based applications, take a look on NCLI (Netgrif Command Line Interface).

Reporting issues

If you find a bug, let us know at Issue page. First, please read our Contribution guide


The software is licensed under NETGRIF Community license. You may be found this license at the LICENSE file in the repository.

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